This course is for you if...

You are ready to feel TRULY ALIVE! Can you envision it? Creating something new... Investing in You, designing the future you desire and deserve!

Choosing the Right Coach

You know you've found your true calling when you're able to combine what you love to do + what you're truly talented at + what provides the highest value to others. For me, that is coaching!

It's time to let go of uncertainty and confusion...

Your best life is waiting!

  • This course gives you the tools to master change - in your Health, Relationships and Career.

  • Develop a growth mindset to overcome procrastination, set boundaries and overcome obstacles.

  • Create a daily routine to support your decision.

  • Learn to self regulate your energy, focus and take action. Gain the skills to change your standards and achieve your goals - with joy!

  • Quickly start feeling more peace and more joy in just days.

Have you ever looked in the mirror and said to yourself "Is that all there is?

This isn't the life I signed up for."

Many value-driven women are so focused on their work and looking after others that they don’t take care of themselves and end up feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and unfulfilled.  Often, they are achievers who know there's more to life, and that they need to take better care of themselves. 

It's time to figure out what makes you come alive and go do it, 

because what the world needs is more women who have come alive!

With my 3 step system I help you crush overwhelm, create clarity and develop habits to put your own oxygen mask on first. 

I help my clients adapt, and provide them with strategies that eliminate overwhelm and design a sustainable, healthy lifestyle so that they can be more inspired, confident, calm, effective and fulfilled.  


provides you proven strategies for success and happiness. 

It's a survival guide for women who are experiencing a crisis in health, relationships or career and want to clarify and solidify your best life by guiding you to develop confidence and clarity. 

Gain insights and structures that give you the clarity and confidence to break free of the patterns that hold you back and pivot to health, confidence and fulfillment!

Develop a growth mindset, overcome procrastination, set boundaries and priorities.

Create a daily routine to support your decisions.

Learn to self regulate your energy, focus and take action.

Build the skills to change your standards and achieve your goals - with joy!

Are you eager to let your light shine?

Every ending is a new beginning. Fall in love with the process. When you are on fire, the world will be drawn to watch you burn!

Your Steps to Transformation

It is who we are being that determines what we do, and what we attract. For a permanent shift to occur, in order to attract what we want it must be supported by both our inner willpower and our external environment. In addition to deciding to change, you must also create the external environment to sustain the changes.

  1. 2
    • The Four Stages of Transformation

    • Like the Nautilus, let's begin your journey at the centre!

    • Clarify Your Values

    • Change Your Beliefs; Change Your World

    • Finding Your Focus

  2. 3
    • You Can Do This!

    • Maintain Your Balance With the Four Agreements

    • Don't Worry About Getting Old, Worry About THINKING Old

    • Obstacles are the things we see when we take our eyes off our goals

    • All Distractions are Equal

    • Everything is Timing!

    • Sequencing - Having It All, (Just Not All At The Same Time)

  3. 4
    • Awaken

    • How Do You Start Your Day?

    • Establish a Morning Routine

    • The Four Stages of Spiritual Awakening

    • Keep a Journal

    • Confession Time

  4. 5
    • Replenish and Reset

    • Healthy Lifestyle Quiz - For a permanent shift to occur your willpower must be supported by your external environment. You must also create the environment to sustain the changes you make.

    • What's All The Fuss About Water?

    • Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine

    • Activate Happy Hormones

    • Fasting and Feasting

    • Reduce Stress Eating

  5. 6
    • Revive

    • Ignore the Weigh Scale

    • Reduce The Stress of Working From Home

    • Benefits of Walking Outdoors Daily

    • Holistic Self Care

  6. 7
  7. 8
  8. 9
  9. 10
    • Play

    • Live in the Front Row!

    • Creative Living

    • Get a Hobby

    • What is it about Trees?!

    • Be a Hot Mess...Paint with molten wax!

  10. 11
  11. 12
    • Here's to Strong Women!

    • Connection Is Why We Are Here

    • Rules to Live By

    • Why You Need to Protect Your Sense of Wonder

  12. 13
    • An Ending And A Beginning!

    • What's Next?

I Love Seeing Women Be Ignited

when they decide to stop tolerating their circumstances and  claim control over their future.  You will be empowered with a blueprint for self-mastery, strategies that enable you to break free of the patterns that hold you back and master the skills and mindset to achieve your health and career goals...with joy! 

Meet Your Transformational Coach

Transformational Coach & Artist

Maura Joy Lustig

Maura has been guiding women on how to embrace change and create joy from any state since 2007 as a transformation coach and artist! She teaches you how to create a daily routine for self care that empowers you and she provides you with the skills to pivot to better health, relationships and career. After struggling in these areas for years, Maura learned how to master the process of change in her own life and realized she could help others. Thousands of others attribute Maura’s example and guidance with a positive shift in their results. Now it’s your turn!

Client Experiences

"Maura is, simply put - a brilliant and outstanding coach.  I have both experienced her coaching and seen her work with others, watching the effect she has.  

There almost aren't words for what a joy it is to be around her, and to witness her zest for life that you can just feel emanates from her deepest core.

Maura's energyis so inspiring that you will find yourself being filled with passion, ideas and that very same zest - as she helps you to dig very deep to find those things that may be in your way and keeping you from experiencing the best version of yourself - and therefore your best life.

No one said it was easy.  But it can be simple enough - and Maura excels at directing you to ways that are bound to support you in seeking and finding the balance you so richly deserve. The best thing about Maura is how deeply she cares about you, believes in you - and knows that you matter.  She will repeat this to you many times, until you cannot help but believe it yourself.

There are many coaches to choose from and you need to find the one you resonate with. If that person for you is Maura - you will find yourself on an illuminating and exciting journey of transformation - I think that's guaranteed.

Take the leap - your life, your heart and your soul will thank you:)"

Michelle L

"Sometimes words escape me. You truly are a beacon of light that is steady, shining brightly and constant. Your words, and actions always touch my core. Your energy is contagious. Your professionalism is a reality I continually strive to meet. You are a gift to all who take a moment. Thank you. 

You are incredible, and I am so grateful to know you”.

Carole S.


PLUS - the following extras are included!

You will receive 1 private Discovery/Strategy Session, Membership in exclusive FB membership group - The HeArt of Well Being, 1 Creativity Workshop

  • Creativity Workshop (Value $75)

    Participate in a group workshop. Discover Your Inner Artist. Learn techniques to access your inner child. No artistic ability required! Come and Play!

  • 1 Discovery/Strategy Session (Value $300)

    Enjoy a Private Coaching session with me to discuss your challenges, your dreams and solidify your plan of action.

Client Successes

"Maura is dynamic and caring motivator for life and business challenges. She gently persuades you in the direction you knew you wanted to go, but were afraid to take that first step - she teaches you how to get more "living" into your life."

Debbie S.

"Maura is truly a professional that cares. She is able to bring her coaching experience to support you in building a business that will give you the freedom you are looking for. Maura was really helpful in clarifying next steps and how to expand using wellness as a movement. I would say that being part of Maura's team is being part of a supportive community of like minded people. Thank you Maura!"

Karla L.

So often I hear from women that they feel powerless, shut down and pulled in many directions.  They have become lost in the demands of day to day life and lost sight of their dreams. They’re asking themselves “Is that all there is?”

Do you ever feel shut down or turned off, powerless to express who you really are? Have you experienced the beautiful wildness that you know is in you and had it slapped right out of you?  Do you know there’s more to you than who you are being?   

Are you constantly on a rollercoaster of dieting and physical improvement, trying to figure out just the right mix of food and exercise so that you can be who you feel like you should be?  Do you want to have more energy and look and feel younger?

Are you ready to connect with your inner Goddess and let her come up and out, but you don’t know where to begin?

Then this is the program you need!

I used to feel just like you!  I have had the free spirit and passion slapped out of me and told “Maura, You’re too much.”  There are so many stories I could share with you.  But just as a snapshot - from 1995 - 2001 I hit the lowest point in my life, a time of chaos and turmoil and spiraling into a pit of demoralizing despair, when I was a single parent of 3, having lost my job and lost my marriage.  I was an only child and my mother had passed away years earlier from cancer.  Now my father died of congestive heart failure, one of my sons abandoned me to live with his father and I lost my home during a failed rebound relationship.  My health was deteriorating as well.  I felt like a victim, like the world was conspiring against me.  My self esteem went through the floor.

Now you don’t have to experience all of these things in order to be perfect for this course.  You don’t have to hit those low, low points.  I’m just sharing this with you because I want you to understand this is how I was feeling.  This was the state of my life at that time and then it all changed for me.  

In this program I pull back the curtain and teach you how I achieve and maintain the state of being that I enjoy today.  Women ask me how I stay so fit, young, energized and joyful in my sixties.  You can save yourself 20 years of pain trying to figure this out by taking this course.  

I’ve brought all of my experience and all of my clients' experiences and packed it into this program for you so that you can quickly start feeling more peace and more joy in just 7 days.  Let’s start this path together right now so that you can experience the level of vibrant health that you are meant to have, discover what it means to live by your own standards and have the freedom to express who you really are!

Discover the power to be yourself, to have clarity and confidence and intense joy and all of the peace that goes with it. Learn to celebrate who you are, to fire on all cylinders, and discover who you are capable of being!

Are you tired of suppressing yourself?  If you are, let’s start now. 

Have you had enough of shutting yourself down when you know there’s more to you?  Yes?  

Then go for it - Sign up. Let’s start to work together now!

Learn to overcome overwhelm, face adversity with calm and regain your vitality with my 7 strategies to master change - in your health, your relationships and your career. Master your emotions, focus and take action.  

All you need to do is adopt the simple strategies I lay out.  I’ll be with you every step of way.  And here’s my guarantee.  If you do the work, complete the program and implement my strategies and don’t experience results within 30 days I will refund your payment.  

You can convert chaos to clarity and confidence, and be vibrantly healthy as well!

Let’s get started now!

Managing change can be extremely stressful and it's essential to be able to conciously shift your state in order to open the door to inspiration, not desperation!

Only from a positive state will you attract the people, the money and the circumstances you desire!

Client Reviews

Swipe to see what others are saying!

Anyone who knows Maura recognizes her passion, her drive, her love of people and her mission to make a positive impact on those her life will touch.

Dr. Jeff L.

Being Maura's husband I will not claim to be unbiased in all my feelings about the wonderful friend and partner I share my life with. With that being said anyone who has come to know Maura, knows that the words below describe her passion, her drive, her love of people and her mission to make a positive impact on those her life will touch. For a person with no previous Net Work Marketing experience I am amazed at how quickly Maura has become adept at the skills and her thirst for knowledge about both the products and business of Isagenix. Maura's training as a Certified Life Coach and years of experience in the Financial Industry serve her well when speaking to friends as well as strangers. Maura calls strangers “friends she has not met yet”. I have observed on many an occasion when she easily slips in her zone, a zone of service. I admire her ability to engage anyone and anywhere in conversation about their needs, goals and desires and then passionately share how Isagenix could meet their needs and transform their lives as it has done for us. Based on the number of people each month that join Maura's Isagenix family for the products and coaching she provides, it is truly a testament to her level of the service and the results she helps her people achieve. Maura has truly become a Servant-Leader. She loves to train, motivate and inspire others to achieve their goals, dreams and desires whether in small groups or as a passionate and eloquent speaker on stage in larger venues. Maura is a billboard for the benefits of good nutrition and fitness. She walks her talk. Actually she has been “running” her talk. Not only is she looking slim and vibrantly healthy after embracing an Isagenix lifestyle, she has taken on a new challenge, distance running. All this, plus she makes time to express her artistic nature. Maura is a talented, internationally collected artist. If you want the fast track to success, just say so and Maura will guide you into the fast lane, so buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us!"

Megan N.

"Maura, you are a beautiful woman and your strength, wisdom and grace is such an example to all! Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us!"

Maura, is, simply put- a brilliant and outstanding coach.

Michelle L.

I have both experienced her coaching and seen her work with others, watching the effect she has. There almost aren't words for what a joy it is to be around her, and to witness her zest for life that you can just feel emanates from her deepest core. Maura's energy is so inspiring that you will find yourself filled with passion, ideas and that very same zest- as she helps you to dig very deep to find those things that may be in your way and keeping you from experiencing the best version of yourself- and therefore your best life. No-one said it was easy. But it can be simple enough- and Maura excels at directing you to ways that are bound to support you in seeking and finding the balance you so richly deserve. The best thing about Maura is how deeply she cares about you, believes in you- and knows that you matter. She will repeat this to you many times, until you cannot help but believe it, yourself. There are many coaches to choose from and you need to find the one you resonate with. If that person for you is Maura- you will find yourself on an illuminating and exciting journey of transformation- I think that's guaranteed. Take the leap- your life, your heart and your soul will thank you:)

Sometimes words escape me...

Carole S.

"You truly are a beacon of light that is steady, shining brightly and constant. Your words, and actions always touch my core. Your energy is contagious. Your professionalism is a reality I continually strive to meet. You are a gift to all who take a moment. Thank you. You are incredible, and I am so grateful to know you”.

Maura is dynamic and caring motivator for life and business challenges.

Debbie S.

She gently persuades you in the direction you knew you wanted to go, but were afraid to take that first step - she teaches you how to get more "living" into your life.

Maura is truly a professional that cares.

Karla L.

"She is able to bring her coaching experience to support you in building a business that will give you the freedom you are looking for. Maura was really helpful in clarifying next steps and how to expand using wellness as a movement. I would say that being part of Maura's team is being part of a supportive community of like minded people. Thank you Maura!"

Maura is a great coach, both as a Cleanse Coach but also as a Life Coach.

Deborah da S.

She was my Cleanse Coach when I first start the Nutritional Cleansing and Weight loss program with Isagenix. She was very thorough and followed up with me whenever she told me she was going to call. With her guidance and the wonderful products at Isagenix, I was able to release 30 pounds in 4 1/2 months. She is a very caring person and I know that my life has changed for the better because of her guidance. I went on further to study Holistic Nutrition. I am forever grateful.

Maura's persistence & cheering helped me lose my first 20lbs within 2 months! I'm motivated to tackle losing an additional 10lbs, maybe even 20lbs!

Sofie A.

Although i run 2 half marathon's a year, my weight was stuck about 40lbs higher then I should be. Maura's persistence & cheering helped me lose my first 20lbs within 2 months! I personally thought I could only lose 10lbs at my age, well, I was delighted to be proven wrong.. As I am very stubborn, it takes another stubborn person to get through to me, I'm now motivated to tackle losing an additional 10lbs, maybe even 20lbs! THANK YOU!

Maura impressed me with her riveting personality and ability to lead people. She has an insatiable appetite for love, living and helping people succeed.

Carol B.

Maura Joy is an outstanding artist, an enthusiastic recruiter, very capable executive and wealth builder. She has a vast knowledge of health & personal fitness. She impressed me with her riveting personality and ability to lead people. She has an insatiable appetite for love, living and helping people succeed. She would be my first choice to accomplish anything you may need.